First Date with Ukraine

In this video lecture, you will find those very books that might be the first and unforgettable acquaintance with Ukraine for various readers around the world. Tetyana Filevska, Creative Director, Ukrainian Institute, talks about the guides to unusual places, the albums with ethnographic treasures, Ukrainian artists in Paris, and even about the culinary books that will make you fall in love with traditional Ukrainian cuisine.
Literature Rights On is a joint project of Mystetskyi Arsenal and the EU funded program House of Europe. Partners of the project are Creative Europe and the Public Diplomacy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
Books from the list
- The Awesome Series / Osnovy Publishing
- The Chest. Artefacts of Power / The Old Lion Publishing House
- Mamay / Rodovid Publishing
- Bridges Instead of Walls. What Unites Ukrainians? / The Old Lion Publishing House
- Travelbook. Ukraine / Knigolove Publishing
- Prominent Ukrainians / Artbook Publishing
- You and Malevich / Chas Maistriv Publishing House
- Ukrainian Artists of Paris / Rodovid Publishing
- The Art Of Ukrainian Sixties / Osnovy Publishing
- Kharkiv School of Photography / MOKSOP Publishing
- UPHA Made in Ukraine / Booksha Publishing
- Ukraine. Food and History / їzhak Publishing
- Crimean Tatar Cuisine / їzhak Publishing