Illustration and book design on Ukrainian children’s book market

In this video Oleg Gryshchenko, Pictoric illustrators club co-founder, curator of the international illustration exhibitions, artist, illustrator, lecturer at the National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture, speaks on Ukrainian children’s’ illustration and book design of the recent years – trends, outstanding features, most prominent creative teams and artists, as well as focuses on the illustration in the times of full-scale Russian war in Ukraine.
List of references:
- On The Move, Romana Romanyshyn, Andriy Lesiv
- Reactors Do Not Explode. A Brief History of the Chornobyl Disaster, Kateryna Mikhalitsyna, Stanislav Dvornytskyi, illustrated and design by Seri/graph studio
- Zhuzha, Grasya Oliyko
- Maiechka’s Alphabet, Ila Varina, Olha Shtonda
- My Forced Vacation, Kateryna Yehorushkina, illustrations by Sonia Avdieeva
- How war changed Rondo, Romana Romanyshyn, Andriy Lesiv ◾️ The children of air raid warnings, Larysa Denysenko, illustrations by Olena London
- Apples of war, Nadiyka Gerbish, Illustrated by Sophia Tomilenko
- Silent Night, My Astronaut, Oksana Lushchevska, illustrated by Kateryna Stepanishcheva
- Letters on the War: Children Write to Soldiers, Oksana Lushchevska, designed by Olena Staranchuk
- Mriya. Sky Airlines, Zoriana Zhyvka, illustrated by Bohdana Bondar
- Gerard the Partizan, Ivan Andrusiak, illustrated by Anna Maita
- The Ghost of Kyiv, Matsuda Hi
- Battle for the City Volodymyr Chernyshenko, illustrated by Tetiana Kopytova
- Yellow Butterfly, Oleksandr Shatokhin
- She Did It
- Travelbook: Ukraine
- Independent
- The story of Ukraine. An anthem of glory and freedom, Olena Kharchenko, Michael Sampson, illustrated by Polina Doroshenko
- Malevich and you, Oksana Sadovenko Pictoric Illustrators club website with the collection of digital art on the war – https://www.supportukraine-pic.com/